Monday, September 28, 2015

Bay City Rumble - September, 2015

The Bay City Rumble Report
 By: ADudeNamed Anthony
Sim restarts have come and passed.
The new roll-outs will never last.
Wake me up, when September ends.

It's the Bay City Rumble Report:

September 3rd
Cannonsphere Run
Vehicle: Cars
Host: ADudeNamed Anthony
First Lag: T.J. Hooker
 Second Lag: T.J. Hooker
 Crossing Ratings:
For Me: D-
For Others: C-

Captain Tiberious James...?

September 10th
Davy Jones' Revenge
Vehicle: Boats
Host: Clockwork Puppet
First Lag: Priscilla Cox
Second Lag: Roc Plutonian

 Crossing Ratings:
For Me: B-
For Others: C+ 
  I think I need bumpers on the sides of my boat for the canals.

September 17th
Invasion of Hot Bay City Nights
Vehicle: UFO's
Host: ADudeNamed Anthony
First Lag: Tam'yn
Second Lag: T.J. Hooker

 Crossing Ratings:
For Me: B-
For Others: B-
Hey!...You try parking that thing!
September 24th:
Airplane Classic
Vehicle: Aircraft
Host: Marianne McCann
First Lag: ADudeNamed Anthony
Second Lag: Priscilla Cox

Crossing Ratings:
For Me: C
For Others: B
Oh look, a sim crossin....<relog>
For All of September's Rumble Pictures:
My Rumble Flickr Page

This is a link to the info page with the maps for each race. (A work in progress.)

October's Tentative Schedule:
  October 1st: Demolition Derby
October 8th: Boat Run - Water Craft
October 15th: Wildcard - TBA
October 22nd: Airplane Classic - Aircraft
October 29th: Wildcard - Broomsticks

(All events and locations subject to change.)
"Thanks fer playin'!"
See you at the next Rumble!
ADudeNamed Anthony